蘋果電腦在週二發表了許多人期待已久的 MacBook,這台接續 iBook 的後續機種配備 Intel Core Duo 處理器及新的 13 吋寬螢幕顯示器。根據 Apple 官方網頁的說明,MacBook 的速度較其先前機種 iBook 快上 5 倍,此外 MacBook 不僅僅是取代 iBook,同樣也取代 12 吋的 PowerBook。
MacBook At a Glance
*1.83GHz or 2.0GHz Intel Core Duo
*13.3-inch (diagonal) TFT glossy widescreen display
*Apple Remote with Front Row
*Up to 2GB memory(3)
*Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950
*Slot-loading optical drive
*Up to 120GB hard drive(3)
*Built-in 54-Mbps 802.11g AirPort Extreme wireless
*Analog and digital audio in and out
*FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 ports
*iLife ’06, Mac OS X Tiger
MacBook 具有黑白雙色系列,價格為 1099 美元起。詳細內容請參照官方網頁:Apple - MacBook
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